We think there is no greater place to work than in the field of parks and recreation! It’s an ever changing world where serving the public meets with connecting to the outside world. In the Town of LaGrange, we are lucky to have some of the most beautiful parks and facilities in the region and we are proud to have the opportunity to offer quality experiences to all who visit. Whether it is for a relaxing walk in the park, a day of fishing, to watch or play a sport, attend a concert or community festival, swim in the lake, go to camp, or a myriad of other activities; our parks are a haven and a community gathering place. Being part of the team that maintains and facilitates this network is both demanding and rewarding. It takes all team members working together at every level of the operation to be successful. Many opportunities exist for consideration, though not all are necessarily available at this time.

To apply, please click on the Town of LaGrange Employment Application under Resources on this page.  Fill out application fully in pen and return via email to or mail to LaGrange Parks & Recreation, 120 Stringham Road, LaGrangeville NY 12540 or drop off to the Recreation office in person during normal office hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm.

Summer Seasonal Positions:


Park Attendant

Day Camp Counselor

Day Camp Specialty Counselor

Lifeguard (waterfront certification)

Assistant Waterfront Director

Water Safety Instructor

Program Leader-opportunities may exist year round

What's Your Story?  show us at #LagParksandRec

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